Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The May Fab4 is HERE! **NEW** D is for DAD Bundles, Mini Kits & Add-Ons, Freebies + Storewide Sales!

It's time for another FABULOUS Fab4!

What is The Fab4 you ask?

4 Designers + 1 palette + 1 theme = an amazing mix and match collection where you can pick and choose from each designer to create your own Bundle OR save even more $$ and grab one of our
2 amazing Bundles in the Fab4 Store!!
during the next 4 days, not only will each of our stores be on sale for 40% OFF,  you can  grab
4 fabulous coordinating freebies when you sign up for each of the Designer's Newsletters!

Now on with the show and all the details!!
Meet your May Fab4 Designers! 
(yep...I'm one of them again!)
  Take a look at what we've created for you his month!

Here's my contribution to this wonderful collaboration celebrating Dad!!
  Each pack is 40% OFF as is most everything in my store
through June 3rd!
(I've also discounted ALL of my Bundles an EXTRA 15% too!)
Some inspiration using just the Mini Kit:
And some wonderful pages using all 3 packs!
Sign up for my Newsletter HERE and get a my coordinating freebie!
NOW.....take a look at what my design partners have for you:

Save 40% OFF her packs and everything in her store
through June 3rd!
Sign up for Bekah's Newsletter and get her coordinating freebie!
From Bellisae Designs
40% OFF her packs and everything in her store
through June 3rd!
Sign up for Isa's Newsletter and get her coordinating Freebie!

And last but definitely not least...

Sign up for Faye's Newsletter and get her coordinating Freebie!
There's more!!!

2 AMAZING, money-saving Bundles to choose from in the Fab4 Store!!

Get all 4 Mini Kits plus a Grungy Solids FWP for
just $8.80 through June 3rd!
A wonderful mix of 20 papers and 60+ elements!
Grab the Mini Kit - Bundle HERE
We let our store CT play with all 4 Mini Kits and these are a few of the pages they came up with!
get absolutely EVERYTHING we created for this promotion...
4 mini Kits, 8 Add-Ons + 2 FWPs in one big, beautiful Mega Bundle
A $40 value for just $16.76 through June 3rd!
Take a look at what you can create when you have the ENTIRE D is for Dad Collection:
  Now how FAB was all that??

Don't miss out on this AMAZING promotion and some super sales going on now through June 3rd!
4 days only!

Visit my store

We can't wait to see your pages!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The iNSD Celebration Starts Now!! **NEW** Creative Essentials Bundle, Sales, Specials and a Chance to Win a $10 Coupon to my Store!

It's that time of year again!!!

4 amazing days of some of the best bargains in digi-land!
(and the perfect time to clear some of those Wish List items!)

Not only are all of my Kits, Extra Packs and Templates 40% OFF...
I also have 2 iNSD incredible Specials going on in my PBP Store!
 You can purchase these Specials as many times as you want through Monday, May 8th!
(and YES...Mega Bundles ARE included!)
But that's not all...
I've also created a BRAND NEW Creative Essentials Bundle of wonderful goodies
you don't want to miss!
"Why?" you ask?
Because this special Bundle can be used ALL THE TIME...
on any page you create!
6 AMAZING, full-size packs to enhance your pages for just $8.99 through Monday, May 8th!
Take a look:
Photo Masks (large enough for photos and papers to be clipped to), Messy Stitches, Lace Stamps, Mishmashed Edges, Across-The-Page Brick Masks, and Grungy Page Blendits!
Take a look at a Before and After (using the Creative Essentials Bundle) from CTM Lori!
Here's her "before" page using my "This Year I Will - Collection" 
 And here's her updated page using something from each of the packs in the
Gorgeous, right?
How about a little more CT inspiration using this wonderful bundle
and a variety of kits from my store? 
 Amazing what some fun masks, stamps and edges will do for a layout!

Now what's a celebratory weekend without a little bit of fun and a chance to win a $10 coupon???

Join me for my iNSD Weekend Scavenger Hunt and you'll be entered to win a $10 coupon
to my store!

Get all the details HERE!

How about some FWP's???
And don't forget...
a new month means new Challenges in the PBP Forum!

I hope you enjoy all the wonderful sales and specials  going on now through
Monday,  May 8th!
Visit my PBP Store for all the goodies!
Happy Shopping & Happy Hunting!